About us


Jack holds down the unique role of bass guitar and leading the charge on vocals, he infuses every performance with energy and passion, his crowd work ensures an unforgettable experience.

Guilty pleasure: Admin and emails


Meet the Rhythm Keeper of the band, Jonny is the heartbeat behind our music. He sets the pulse that drives our sound forward, infusing each beat with enthusiasm and groove.

Guilty pleasure: Playing crowd pleasers


Meet the Maestro of our melodies, George is the virtuoso behind the keys in our band. With finesse and creativity, he brings an enchanting array of sounds that elevate our music to new heights.

Guilty pleasure: Being scared of the photographer


Introducing Callum, the master of electric guitar in our band. With unparalleled skill and precision, he electrifies the stage with his fiery solos and soulful riffs, not to mention his immense tone.

Guilty pleasure: Pop punk


Jack also on electric, provides intricate embellishments and depth to our sonic landscape, enhancing every performance with his distinctive style. Jack brings a unique voice to our music, captivating audiences and leaving them craving more.

Guilty pleasure: Bromance with his valve amp